Round-table on May 22: Advancing Transformative Changes through Biodiversity Law and Governance         

Highlighting the International Day for Biological Diversity

In an interactive exchange with senior jurists, general counsel, parliamentarians, leading practitioners, renowned law professors and heads of legal institutes, laureates of the biodiversity law and governance global leadership awards and other distinguished experts, this roundtable will highlight recent trends and innovations in biodiversity, considering how law and governance can accelerate ambition and implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Register now to explore how to urgently scale up biodiversity law and governance capacity to achieve transparent, accountable, and effective CBD compliance worldwide, and the global Sustainable Development Goals.  

You are invited to register now for a special event on the International Day for Biological Diversity – an experts roundtable dialogue on advancing biodiversity law and governance.

Biodiversity Law and Governance Roundtable 2021 – Advancing Transformative Changes through Biodiversity Law and Governance

When: Saturday 22 May 2021 | 16:00 – 17:30 (CET)
Where: Zoom Online Platform (due to COVID-19 travel restrictions)  Read more and Sign up here
Who: Masters of Ceremonies & Moderators: Adv. Freedom-Kai Phillips (CISDL / University of Cambridge), Ms. Danting Fan (CISDL Biodiversity Project Coordinator / University of Cambridge)

Chairs and expert speakers include, among others:

  • Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema (Executive Secretary of the CBD Secretariat) *TBC
  • Prof. Jorge Cabrera (University of Costa Rica / CISDL Lead Counsel)
  • Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier-Segger (University of Cambridge / CISDL Senior Director)
  • Prof. Christina Voigt (University of Oslo / Co-chair, Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee)
  • Prof. Qin Tianbao (Wuhan University / Vice Chair of the Nagoya Protocol Compliance Committee) *TBC
  • Dr. Claudia Ituarte-Lima (University of British Columbia / Raoul Wallenberg Institute)
  • Dr. Robert Kibugi (University of Nairobi / Advocate of the High Court of Kenya)
  • Mr. Timothy Scott (UNDP Policy Advisor, Natural Capital and the Environment) *TBC 

We invite also you to join the discussion on Twitter @BlgInitiative, @intsustainlaw, and @CEENRG.  


16:00 – 16:05    Welcome and Event Overview

Chairs: Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (University of Cambridge / University of Waterloo / CISDL, UK & Canada) &  Prof. Jorge Cabrera (University of Costa Rica / CISDL Lead Counsel)

Welcoming Remarks:  Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema (Executive Secretary of the CBD Secretariat) *TBC

16:05 – 16:40    Biodiversity Ambition: Mobilising Legal and Institutional Reform for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

-How can legal and institutional reform support the formulation and implementation of a Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework?
-What are the most pressing legal obstacles and opportunities to advancing the conservation, sustainable use, and benefit sharing of biodiversity?
-What can be learned from national policy and legislative experiences for mainstreaming biodiversity within and across all sectors of societies and economies, and how to support them with world-class assessment, accounting, public engagement and other governance systems?
-How to incentivize more ambitious long-term biodiversity strategies, in the context of pandemic recovery investments?
-How to enhance the role of biodiversity law in addressing future pandemic?

16:40 – 16:45 Launch of Toolkit and Specialization Course & Celebration of BLG Global Leadership Award & CISDL Legal Specialist Award Recipients

* Global Launch of SDG 15: A Toolkit of Legal & Institutional Practices (CISDL, 2021) & Specialization Course on SDG 15 (CISDL, 2021).

* Special Launch of Call for Nominations for the new Biodiversity Law and Governance Global Leadership Award.

* Special Recognition to the Winners of the CISDL Legal Specialist Awards for Biodiversity: 2020 Dr. Claudia Ituarte-Lima; 2019 Prof Robert Kibugi;  and 2018 Adv. Frederic Perron-Welch.

16:45 – 17:15    Enhancing Synergies: Advancing Linkages and Co-benefits between the CBD and Key International Instruments

-How best to enhance interlinkages of biodiversity treaties with human rights, climate change, natural resources, oceans, and trade, investment and finance regimes?
-How can key legal and governance frameworks better contribute to conservation, sustainable use of terrestrial and marine and ocean ecosystems, climate adaptation and resilience, and sustainable development more broadly?
-How to align pandemic recovery measures with efforts to restore biodiversity under the CBD and related instruments, the Paris Agreement, UNCLOS and relevant Sustainable Development Goals, as well as other related international instruments?

17:15 – 17:30    Rounds of Questions & Exchange with the Audience & Closing Remarks with Thanks to Partners & Distinguished Experts

-How to move the biodiversity law and governance agenda forward on the ground and internationally through CBD COP15 and beyond, in the context of pandemic recovery?


More similar events: Watch the film Honeyland and sign up for the Film Festival panel discussion on Biodiversity and Cultural diversity afterwards.

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