local Human Rights

Human Rights Cities in Focus in Geneva

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute is co-organising a side event at the 40th session of the UN Human Rights Council this Friday in Geneva. The event will evaluate the progress, opportunities and challenges for local promotion of human rights.

Last year, the council adopted the Resolution on Local Government and Human Rights. Above all, it aims to improve the promotion and protection of human rights at local level. Also, the aim is to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Morten Kjaerum, RWI’s director and a speaker on the panel, says the event is important because cities play a key role in upholding human rights. He adds,

First of all, many cities, if not most, still do not realize their relevance in such roles. People live locally, so this is where human rights first and foremost should unfold.


“Stakeholder Dialogue on Human Rights and Global Agendas at the Local Level”, March 8, Geneva

Moderator, Anselmo Lee, Adjunct Professor of Kyunghee University and Member of Planning Committee for the Gwangju World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF), Korea

Opening Remarks, Ji-ah Paik, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Republic of Korea


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