A Right Livelihood College Lund Dialogue: Freedom From Violence Through Education

Join us for a dialogue on human rights education, the environment, and the prevention of violence against children, with Right Livelihood Award laureate Marthe Wandou.

The dialogue will include a keynote address from Marthe, a panel discussion with other human rights experts, and break out discussions.

We invite you to engage in action-oriented dialogue about how we take what we learn in the classroom and turn it into practical action to address complex social and  environmental problems.


9 May 9:00 – 12:00


Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies: Biskopsgatan 5, 22362, Lund

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Keynote speaker

Jurist Marthe Wandou is a Cameroonian gender and peace activist who has worked to prevent and fight sexual violence against children, particularly girls, as well as care for survivors of such violence since the 1990s. Through her organisation Action Locale pour un Développement Participatif et Autogéré (ALDEPA), which she founded in 1998, Wandou has supported the wellbeing of girls through a holistic approach based on education, psychosocial care and legal assistance.


Dr. Orla Ní Cheallacháin joined the Global Campus as EMA Programme Director in 2021. She is responsible for the operational and academic management of the programme, student support, and liaison with the network of EMA professors and other stakeholders.

Jessica Almqvist is Professor of International Law and Human Rights at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lund and Director of the Programme on International Human Rights Law at the same University.

Her main areas of expertise are international law of human rights, humanitarian law and criminal justice. She also researches other international law topics, such as statehood and recognition, international responsibility, the collective security system and global health law, including international biomedical law.

Thérèse Murphy is professor of law and director of the Health & Human Rights Unit at Queen’s University Belfast and is currently a Raoul Wallenberg Visiting Chair, Lund University. She is also chairperson of the European Master’s on Human Rights and Democratisation, and serves on the governing council of the Global Campus of Human Rights, a network of 100 universities educating the next generation of human rights professionals.

Dr. Antje Jackelén was the Archbishop, the first female one, and Primate of the Church of Sweden 2014-2022 and prior to that Bishop of the Diocese of Lund. She received her doctorate from Lund University, Sweden, and was Associate Professor of Systematic Theology/Religion and Science at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), USA (2001-2007), as well as the director of the Zygon Center for Religion and Science (2003-2007) and president of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT, 2008- 2014).

Dr. Claudia Ituarte-Lima is Leader of the Human Rights and the Environment thematic area and senior researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. She is an international public lawyer and scholar with direct experience in international law and policy making. For the last 20 years, she has worked on human rights and environmental law (in particular biodiversity and climate change). She holds a PhD (University College London) and a MPhil (University of Cambridge).

Her work unites legal analysis and sustainability science for examining environmental and human rights governance challenges and innovative levers to address them.


Lennart Olsson Professor of Geography at Lund University and was the founding Director of LUCSUS from the inception in 2000 until August 2016. Lennart is also the Coordinator for a Linnaeus programme, LUCID, sponsored by The Swedish Research Council Formas for the period 2008-2018.

Lennart holds a Ph.D. in Physical Geography Lund University (1986) specialising in desertification and particularly the use of GIS, remote sensing and spatial modelling to study the interaction of nature and society in semi-arid Africa.

Preliminary Agenda




9:00 Introduction Professor Lena Eskilsson – Prorektor/Vice-Chancellor
9:10 Opening Address Dr. Antje Jackelén – Archbishop Emerita of Sweden
9:25 Keynote Address Marthe Wandou – RLA laureate, Title of Talk (TBD)
10:10 Panel discussion Professor Therese Murphy, Dr. Orla Ni Cheallachain, Professor Jessica Almqvist, Dr. Claudia Ituarte-Lima Moderated by Professor Lennart Olsson
11:00 Breakout discussions Facilitated discussions
11:45 Plenary Discussion – Harvest Moderated feedback

More about Marthe Wandou:

Marthe Wandou – Human Rights Profile

Supported by the Earth Trusteeship Dialogue project and co-organised by:

  • Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
  • Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
  • Global Campus for Human Rights
  • Earth Trusteeship Working Group
  • Lund University Profile Area: Human Rights
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