Poverty & Human Rights - Webinar Series

2021 Webinar Series on Poverty & Human Rights: How to Address the Post-Pandemic Poverty Crisis

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, the world faces a crisis of poverty that has been severely aggravated over the past 15 months. Years of work eradicating extreme poverty has been brushed away on all continents. Responding to this crisis will be agenda item number one for the global community in the coming years. Policymakers are already referring to the response as the New Social Contract, a new global deal, “build back better” and “build forward fairer”. Whatever the rhetorical frame, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the International Human Rights system are key instruments.

UN Sustainable Goals With this Webinar Series, international experts explore the connection between Poverty, the SDGs and Inequality with a Human Rights perspective. Climate change, Social Protest Movements, Inequality, all are connected to Poverty. All should be considered when addressing the Post-Pandemic Poverty Crisis. How? This is what some of the contributors to the Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty will discuss during these 3 sessions.

Different panels will be moderated by Morten Kjaerum, Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Martha Davis, University Distinguished Professor of Law at Northeastern University in Boston and Amanda Lyons, Executive Director at the Human Rights Center at the University of Minnesota Law School.



WEBINAR 1 : Poverty, Human Rights & the SDGs (April 14)

This webinar focused on the intersection between poverty, human rights and the SDGs. We discussed: How do these strong international frameworks impact people in poverty and marginalization? How does this play out in rural and urban living spaces? How does the climate and environmental crisis add to the complexity? Is this a bottom up or top down process and what is the role of social movements in coming years?

Discover more about this event and watch the recordings here.


WEBINAR 2 : Poverty, Human Rights & Inequality (May 18)

How can inequalities affect democratic participation and aggravate social exclusion? How has the COVID-19 pandemic interacted with and aggravated these aspects of inequality? Is inequality, whether economic or social, a human rights violation, and what is the role of international institutions and private entities in addressing the range of inequalities?


Watch the recording and find out more about the panel here.


WEBINAR 3 : Covid-19 vaccines for the few



Human Rights Research Handbook on Human Rights and PovertyResearch Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty

The book is one of Edgar Routledge’s Research Handbooks in the Human Rights series:

It explores the nexus between human rights, poverty and inequality as a critical lens for understanding and addressing key challenges of the coming decades, including the objectives set out in the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Research Handbook starts from the premise that poverty is not solely an issue of minimum income. It explores the profound ways that deprivation and distributive inequality of power and capability relate to economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.

The book was edited by Martha F. Davis, University Distinguished Professor, Northeastern University School of Law, US, Morten Kjaerum, Adjunct Professor, University of Aalborg, Denmark and Director of Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund, Sweden and Amanda Lyons, Executive Director and Lecturer in Law, Human Rights Center, University of Minnesota Law School, US

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