Open post

A Human Rights Perspective on the Destruction of Afghanistan’s Environment by Warring Parties

Please join us for the online panel “A Human Rights Perspective on the Destruction of Afghanistan’s Environment by Warring Parties”, where the invited experts will explore the connection between environmental degradation and human rights violations in Afghanistan, discussing the … Continue reading » “A Human Rights Perspective on the Destruction of Afghanistan’s Environment by Warring Parties”

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Open post

COP2 Webinario: Innovaciones del Acuerdo de Escazú contribuyendo a las metas globales de biodiversidad 

Facilitating dialogue between Latin American and Caribbean countries and other countries around the world about how the Escazú Agreement helps to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework, thereby contributing to the achievement of the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity Continue reading » “COP2 Webinario: Innovaciones del Acuerdo de Escazú contribuyendo a las metas globales de biodiversidad ”

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