Learn with Lena: On Non-Discrimination and Inclusion

Non-Discrimination and Inclusion


Welcome to this week’s blog post from Learn with Lena. Lena is the RWI librarian who once every other week shares book tips on topics related to human rights! This month we are focusing on the thematic area of Non-Discrimination and Inclusion If you would like to have a bit of a backgorund about this subject, please see bottom of the page for more information on Non-Discrimination and Inclusion.

Some books that I recommend might be considered as old – but not the phenomenon. Hopefully these books, I have chosen to recommend, can make us more conscious and attentive.

New law and ethics in mental health advance directives : the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and the right to choose /

Penepole Weller.. – 2013. 

ISBN: 9780415532945

From the publisher

The recognition of positive rights and the growing impact of human rights principles has recently orchestrated a number of reforms in mental health law, bringing increasing entitlement to an array of health services. In this book, Penelope Weller considers the relationship between human rights and mental health law, and the changing attitudes which have led to the recognition of a right to demand treatment internationally. Weller discusses the ability of those with mental health problems to use advance directives to make a choice about what treatment they receive in the future, should they still be unable to decide for themselves.

Focusing on new perspectives offered by the Conventions on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Weller explores mental health law from a variety of international perspectives. These case studies indicate how human rights perspectives are shifting mental health law from a constricted focus upon treatment refusal, towards a recognition of positive rights.

The book covers topics including:

  • refusing treatment
  • new approaches in human rights
  • international perspectives in mental health law
  • the right to demand treatment.

Caste-based discrimination in international human rights law

by David Keane. – 2007. 

ISBN: 978-0-7546-7172-5

From the publisher

With particular focus on the Hindu caste system, this book represents a comprehensive analysis of the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination in international law. It evaluates the strategies that have informed the work of the United Nations in this area, mapping a new path that moves from standard-setting to implementation. Combining legal analysis with the meaning and origin of caste, it explores the remedies human rights law can propose towards the prohibition of caste-based discrimination, and the abolition of the caste system itself. The book provides a benchmark on the achievements of the international community in combating all forms of racial discrimination, and the policies that must inform future measures. With its clear and accessible style this volume will be of interest to scholars of law and human rights, as well as policy-makers and practitioners working in this area.

Links to the Conventions and Committees within the UN-system related to discrimination

Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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