Non-Discrimination and Inclusion
Welcome to this week’s blog post from Learn with Lena. Lena is the RWI librarian who once every other week shares book tips on topics related to human rights! This month we are focusing on the thematic area of Non-Discrimination and Inclusion If you would like to have a bit of a backgorund about this subject, please see bottom of the page for more information on Non-Discrimination and Inclusion.
Some books that I recommend might be considered as old – but not the phenomenon. Hopefully these books, I have chosen to recommend, can make us more conscious and attentive.
Racism and human rights
Edited by Raphael Walden.. – 2004.
ISBN: 90-04-13651-7 (pbk)
The topical and thought-provoking articles in this volume have been contributed by leading authorities and discuss some of the key issues currently facing the human rights community. The issues discussed include, among others, human rights and the Security Council, slavery, racism on the internet, and religion and human rights.
From the Table of Contents: Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination—Humanity’s Need for a New Ethical Code of Conduct by His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan Bin Talal; The Security Council and the Protection of Human Rights by Bertrand G. Ramcharan; The Future Shape of Europe by Robert Badinter; Slavery as Piracy—The Legal Case for Reparations for Slavery by Geraldine Van Bueren; Judaism as a Source of Human Rights by Asher Maoz; Perceptions of the Other—Lessons from Jewish-Christian Dialogue by Edward Kessler; Racism and Xenophobia in Virtual Russia by Stella Rock;
Disabled people and the right to life : the protection and violation of disabled people’s most basic human rights
Edited by Luke Clements and Janet Read.. – 2008.
ISBN: 9780415407137
The most basic of human rights, the right to life, is the focus of this book.
‘Human rights’ has increasingly come to be seen as a significant framework, both to aid understanding of the experiences of those who face oppression, and to underpin social, legal and political measures to counter it. Disabled People and the Right to Life uses this framework to explore how disabled people’s right to life is understood in different national contexts and the ways in which they are – or are not – afforded protection under the law, emphasizing the social, cultural and historical forces and circumstances which have promoted disabled people’s right to life or legitimated its violation.
Written by an international panel of contributors including individuals holding public office, academics from the fields of law, social policy, disability studies and bioethics as well as practitioners and activists attempting to further disabled people’s human rights, this truly interdisciplinary book will be of interest to students and researchers of disability, law, social policy and human rights.
Constitutional courts, gay rights and sexual orientation equality
Angioletta Sperti.. – 2019[2017].
ISBN: 1509932119
Constitutional courts, gay rights and sexual orientation equality
The ebook is published in Open Access and can thereby be read online. Gives the reader an easy path to the list of cases and legislation.
This book considers a wide-range of decisions by constitutional and international courts relating to LGBT rights, including the path from decriminalization of sexual acts to recognition of same-sex marriage, and the topical subject of adoption for homosexual couples.
It explores analogies and differences between judicial arguments and ratios, paying particular attention to the development of human dignity, privacy, equality and non-discrimination in judicial thinking. It argues that courts are major exporters of models and principles on the recognition of homosexual rights, and that judicial cross-fertilization helps courts increase the acceptability of “new rights” in public opinions and politics.
Courts discuss changes in the social perception of marriage and family at national and international levels, and at the same time confirm and reinforce those changes. Furthermore, by promoting the achievements of foreign gay movements in their own jurisdictions, courts play an essential role in breaking the political stalemate.
The book will be of interest to those working on constitutional, public and human rights law, as well as judicial studies.
The book has comprehensive list of cases and legislation divided by states.
Links to the Conventions and Committees within the UN-system related to discrimination
Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities