Bookphoria with Victoria – on Business and Human Rights is the focus for July and August this year! Victoria has selected 10 books that are going to be shared with you. It’s time to learn more about Business and Human rights! (Part 3/3)
To see the Bookphoria with Victoria part 1, click here
To see the Bookphoria with Victoria part 2, click here
Human rights in the age of platforms / edited by Rikke Frank Jørgensen. 2022.
ISBN 9780262039055
On the RWI shelf under 36 HUM
From the publisher: What are the human rights implications and effects of a commercialized public sphere? Private companies mediate most of our time online. Internet companies manage the web-based public infrastructure, the public sphere, and public life. As such, their practices have significant consequences for human rights, both in terms of the opportunities they offer and the potential harm they can cause. At the same time, human rights law is state-centric in nature and holds no direct obligations for companies.
This book takes the necessary step of examining the role, responsibilities and practices of these private actors vis-à-vis human rights standards and norms. Part of public life and discourse has always unfolded within commercial domains, but the current situation is different in scope and character. In the online realm the vast majority of social interactions, discussions, expressions, controversies, etc. take place within platforms and services provided for by private companies. Moreover, the communications that people provide when socializing online are an essential part of the online business model, used to generate revenue. As such, it is a fundamentally different business model than that of mass media in the pre-internet age. Where newspaper revenue is linked to selling a relatively well-known product, the revenue model of a social media platform is intrinsically linked to the communications, behavior and social life of its users in a way that is largely invisible to the user. The aim of this edited collection is to examine and discuss these developments in light of their implications for human rights protection
Business and human rights in Asia : duty of the state to protect / edited by James Gomez, Robin Ramcharan. 2021
ISBN 9789811572722
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From the publisher: This book examines the State’s duty to protect human rights in Asia amidst rising concern over the human rights impact of business organisations in the region, a topic which has hitherto been understudied. It analyses a range of inter-connected issues: the advent of international standards, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the challenges inherent in the formulation of National Action Plans on business and human rights, the need for improved legislation and policies, access to remedies, and conflicts with indigenous peoples over business activities.
The book also covers innovative themes such as BHR in the era of smart cities, ethical consumer behavior, and a human rights management system, which are emerging areas of enquiry in this field concluding with a range of critical issues to be addressed, including the need for an assessment of COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on BHR in Asia and beyond. This book is part of Asia Centre’s exploration of the nascent regional human rights architecture that is facing significant obstacles in protecting human rights and showcases the progress achieved and the ongoing challenges across Asia.
Globalization, political economy, business and society in pandemic times / edited by Pervez Ghauri (University of Birmingham, UK), Tony Fang (Stockholm University, Sweden), John Hassler (Stockholm University, Sweden). 2021.
ISBN 9781800717923
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From the publisher: Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times is a product of the 5th Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC) at Stockholm University during May 14-15, 2020. The purpose of the book is to arrive at a holistic understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on politics, economies, business, and society in a globalized world. The scientific community acted swiftly to study COVID-19 and its various possible societal correlations. This edited collection contributes to the growing literature on COVID-19 through a multidisciplinary approach by addressing both macro and micro issues from both local and global angles in both critical and self-critical tones.
Corporations, accountability and international criminal law: industry and atrocity / by Joanna Kyriakakis.2021.
ISBN 9780857939494
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From the publisher: This timely book explores the prospect of prosecuting corporations or individuals within the business world for conduct amounting to international crime. Joanna Kyriakakis surveys the state of the art in the field, highlighting the case for the international criminal justice project to engage more fully with the role industry can play in atrocity.
From the post-World War II era to contemporary international criminal courts and tribunals and the activities of domestic criminal justice agencies, this book analyses cases and international law reform efforts aimed at accounting for business involvement in international crimes. The major debates and ensuing challenges are examined, arguing that corporate accountability under international criminal law is crucial in achieving the objectives of international criminal justice.
Students, practitioners and academics of international criminal law will find this a beneficial read, particularly through its engagement with the key contemporary debate around the extension of international criminal law to business actors. The exploration of how to address the global governance gap and better account for human rights abuses in transnational corporate activity will also make this an invigorating book for business and human rights scholars.
For more Bookphoria with Victoria.