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Amanda Lyons: Human Rights, the SDGs, and Multistakeholderism: the Case of Food Systems Transformations

Welcome to our blog, the Human Righter. We shed light on contemporary human rights issues and comment on human rights developments. We dig deep into our focus areas within human rights, discuss SDGs and human rights. You will also find

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Open post

COVID-19 and unequal geographies of human rights: why are green public spaces in cities more important than ever?

Maria Andrea Nardi

COVID-19 pandemic has showed the world more than ever the relevance of green and public spaces for the fulfilment of human rights in urban settings. The role they will play in post-pandemic socio-environmental recovery will be central, Continue reading » “COVID-19 and unequal geographies of human rights: why are green public spaces in cities more important than ever?”

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Open post

The concept of freedom in times of the Covid-19 pandemic in Denmark – for whom and from what?

This blog-post is part of the project; Legislating Corona: Proportionality, Non-Discrimination and Transparency (PRONTO) funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (Grant number: 0213-00025B).

The division between freedom rights and socio-economic rights has long been debated and criticised. This division Continue reading » “The concept of freedom in times of the Covid-19 pandemic in Denmark – for whom and from what?”

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