Publications / Author: Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
The Outsourcing of Asylum in the EU and the Advent of ‘ProtectionLite’
The new volume Europe in the World: EU Geopolitics and the Making of European Space (Ashgate, 2011) provides an innovative contribution to the debate on contemporary European geopolitics by tracing some of the new political geographies and geographical imaginations emergent … Continue reading » “The Outsourcing of Asylum in the EU and the Advent of ‘ProtectionLite’”
Continue readingAccess to Asylum : International refugee law and the globalisation of migration control.
Is there still a right to seek asylum in a globalised world? Migration control has increasingly moved to the high seas or the territory of transit and origin countries, and is now commonly outsourced to private actors. Under threat of … Continue reading » “Access to Asylum : International refugee law and the globalisation of migration control.”
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