On 24 May 1992 President George Bush ordered the United States (US) Coast Guard to stop all persons fleeing Haiti following the overthrow of Jean-Baptiste Aristide the year before. In the following years more than 65,000 persons were interdicted on … Continue reading » “Extraterritorial Migration Control and the Reach of Human Rights”
Continue readingPublications / Author: Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen
Creative Legal Thinking and the Evolution of International Refugee Law
International refugee law is seen by many as constitutive for national refugee policy. Yet, as asylum has become politicized, many countries have adopted procedural and physical deterrence mechanisms to prevent refugees from accessing protection. The present article examines these policies, … Continue reading » “Creative Legal Thinking and the Evolution of International Refugee Law”
Continue readingSovereignty at Sea: The law and politics of saving lives in mare liberum
This article analyses the interplay between politics and law in the recent attempts to strengthen the humanitarian commitment to saving lives in mare liberum. Despite a long-standing obligation to aid people in distress at sea, this so-called search and … Continue reading » “Sovereignty at Sea: The law and politics of saving lives in mare liberum”
Continue readingInternational Refugee Law and Policy: The case of deterrence policies
International refugee law is seen by many as constitutive for national refugee policy. Yet, as asylum has become politicized, many countries have adopted procedural and physical deterrence mechanisms to prevent refugees from accessing protection. The present article examines these policies, … Continue reading » “International Refugee Law and Policy: The case of deterrence policies”
Continue readingLa comercialización de la migración internacional y los múltiples actores en la industria migratoria
The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration
Migration has become business, big business. Over the last few decades a host of new business opportunities have emerged that capitalize both on the migrants’ desires to migrate and the struggle by governments to manage migration. From the rapid growth … Continue reading » “The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration”
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