Gender equality in higher education system: ways and means of achievement (Russain language version)


This publication presents a complex study of possible ways of attainment of gender equality in the higher education system. It offers for discussion a wide range of issues: from conceptual-categorical concepts and legal regulation of policies aimed at achieving … Continue reading » “Gender equality in higher education system: ways and means of achievement (Russain language version)”

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Гендер и право: первый опыт преподавания в Республике Беларусь


Authors of the information brochure “Gender and Law: First Experience of Teaching in Belarus” are delighted to share the results of their work in developing, implementing and teaching gender and law courses. We hope that this brochure will be … Continue reading » “Гендер и право: первый опыт преподавания в Республике Беларусь”

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