Academic Discourse

To support increased scholarship and academic discourse on the human rights situation, including in relation to gender equality, in Afghanistan, the programme will organise human rights related research conferences for Afghan scholars, and support dissemination of research from the programme, including from the research fellows connected to the programme.

It will also include a database aimed to facilitate access to such research, and to human rights related materials from and about Afghanistan.  The database is still under construction, pending consultations with stakeholders. In the meantime, below you can find our most recent articles and publications in a programme repository



Afghanistan Programme Repository



Voices of previous Research Fellows

Below are Farima Nawabi, Massoud Adrakhsh, and Hanifa Girowal previous research fellows at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.

Farima Nawabi - Previous Afghan fellow.

Hanifa Girowal - Afghan Research Fellow 2023

M. Abul Ahrar Ramizpoor - Afghan Research Fellow 2023

Massoud Adrakhsh - Previous Afghan fellow.

Ehsan Qaane - Afghan Research Fellow 2023

Below you can find articles written by Farima Nawabi.
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