Note: This invitation is directed to corporations in South Asia. Download full invitation here.
It is RWI’s pleasure to invite you to apply for a regional course on human rights, gender equality and environment in the framework of SDGs and with attention to the role of the private sector, with focus on South Asia.
When: 25-29 June
Where: Colombo, Sri Lanka. Second meeting is for corporation is planned to be organised in November (date and location TBC)
Application procedure: Kindly submit application forms for each nominated candidate, using this template, to Ms Wulan Tangkudung at no later than 15 June 2018.
Who can apply: The course is offered to Judges, National Human Rights Institutions and Corporations in South Asia, and aims to strengthen capacities of these key actors to separately and jointly address related challenges in the region from their different roles and perspectives.
The initiative is organised by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) in collaboration with the CSR Network (ACN) and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in the framework of RWI’s Regional Asia programme 2017-2021 which aims to contribute to a just, inclusive and sustainable development in the region through mutually reinforcing protection of human rights, gender equality and the environment. The 2018 course is RWI’s fourth consecutive course on this topic and it builds on bringing corporations together with other stakeholders to enhance mutual learning as done successfully in the 2017 course.
Course materials will outline legal and operational links between human rights, environment and development. In addition to the human rights law framework, the course places discussions in the SDGs Framework which provides a common framework for considering social and environmental sustainability in development. The role and responsibilities of the private sector relating to these aspects will be clarified. Gender equality is included as an inherent part of human rights. Ample opportunity will be provided for exchange and discussion around challenges and cases from Asia and beyond. Specific course topics will be described in detail in the curriculum that will be shared with selected participants after the deadline for applications, which will take into account suggestions made by participants in course applications.
The blended learning format includes both in-person and online component. This is multi-phase course which includes in-person for each of the three sectors in which participants can learn about and discuss that sector’s issues specifically. The separate workshop for corporation will go into details on implications for private actors, with particular focus on the UN guiding principles on business and human rights, corporate good practices and tools for achieving sustainability.
The course will start with the face-to-face workshop in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 25-29 June, where participants will be introduced to course topics and also have the opportunity to discuss challenges and perspectives in joint forum. The online component, starting July 05th, will provide participants with a detailed outline of legal and practical linkages between human rights and the environment/climate change; human rights of special concern, including gender equality; business and human rights and environment; and human rights in Agenda 2030. The meeting for corporation is planned to be organised in November (date and location TBC), and the concluding meeting (date TBC) in Sri Lanka between all actors. RWI, ACN, APF, and ICJ will select a total of thirty (30) participants out of nominations and application from corporations, NHRIs, and judges received by the set deadline, pursuing gender balance and a wide institutional and geographical representation in the course group. We will also in the selection give priority to applicants with clear professional links to course topics, and persons who have not previously taken part in RWI’s regional courses. All costs for course participation, including travel and literature, will be covered by RWI. Applicants will be notified of the final selection shortly after the application deadline, when exact dates and a detailed course description will also be confirmed.
Please note: Participants are expected to participate actively in all phases of the course. We therefore strongly encourage applicants to verify, in dialogue with relevant supervisors, that they will be allowed sufficient time and commitment to complete the training. Participants should expect to spend an approximate total of 20-40 hours on online studies, and 8 days (5 in June, 3 in November) in workshops, excluding travelling time. Possible final concluding meeting may also be organized. Note that the completion of online tasks is a pre-requisite for participation in the dialogue meeting. It is also crucial that applicants have good knowledge of the English language, as all teaching and reading materials will be in English.
Questions regarding the training programme may be directed to Mr. Sokseila Bun (, and questions regarding practical arrangements to Ms Wulan Tangkudung.