Book Launch: Human Rights or Global Capitalism – The Limits of Privatization

The Book “Human Rights or Global Capitalism” is not simply concerned with the success or failure of neoliberal policies, or judging whether they are good or bad.

Rather, it examines the application of those policies from a human rights perspective and asks whether states resign their responsibility to uphold human rights when outsourcing services to the private sector.

In this lecture on 15 November in Lund, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute hosts Professor Manfred Nowak to present his new book “Human Rights or Global Capitalism – The Limits of Privatization”. Nowak will explore ways in which neoliberal policies violate the obligations of states to protect human rights of their people.

Morten Kjærum, Director, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. He was the founding Director of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) and was the first Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in Vienna.


Johan Sandberg, Senior lecturer and Director of Studies for the Master in International Development and Management program (LUMID) at Lund University. His work is in the area of political economy, economic sociology and global governance, with research on issues such as conditional cash transfers and migrant labour market integration. He is currently also Visiting Research Fellow at Princeton University.

Barbara Schulte, Associate Professor and Deputy head of the department of sociology at Lund University. Her work covers transnational educational governance, knowledge transfer (e.g. between China and the ‘West’), and social inclusion and exclusion through education.

About Professor Manfred Nowak

Manfred Nowak received his PhD from the Law School of the University of Vienne in 1973 and his LL.M from Columbia University in 1975. He is Professor of International Law and Human Rights at Vienna University and Co-Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights in Vienna. He is also author of more than 500 publications in the field of human rights and public and international law

Date and time: 15 November, 14:00-16:00

Location: Pufendorf Hall, Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3C 222 22

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