the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

RWI Supported Researchers Presents Paper in Manila

Two RWI supported Cambodian researchers recently presented papers at the 14th ASLI Conference in Manilla – “A uniting Force? Asian values and the Law”.

Kimsan Soy, who is the director of the Centre for the Studies of Humanitarian Law (CSHL) at Royal University of Law and Economics, which RWI has supported since its establishment, presented his paper “Understanding Acceptance of International Justice through Duch’s Sentence at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia”.

Ratana Ly, researcher at CSHL, presented her paper “Prosecuting the Khmer Rouge: Views from the Inside.”

Both papers have been published by the International Nuremberg Principles Academy.

Both Kimsan and Ratana have taken part in the Institute’s annual Regional Research Initiative. So far 18 Cambodian academic researchers have completed the Regional Research Initiative, which is a one-year research training with individual mentorship.

The initiative is aimed at supporting researchers from Cambodia (and the region) to carry out academic human rights research, draft research papers and abstracts, present at conferences and publish in journals.

The majority of the Cambodian researchers have presented at international conferences. There are currently seven new Cambodian researchers taking part in the 2017 Regional Research Initiative together with researchers from numerous countries in the region.

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