Lecture on the 1951 Convention on Refugees

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute is hosting a lecture on February 16 titled “Refugee Flight and Mobility: Lessons from the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees Then and Now.”

The lecture will be given by Cathryn Costello, Andrew W. Mellon Associate Professor in International Human Rights and Refugee Law, at the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC), Oxford.

By definition, refugees are outside their country of nationality. Their flight generally takes them across many borders, but increasingly that flight and onward movement is suppressed. This talk will examine the Refugee Convention’s approach to refugee mobility. The lecture will explore how the drafters of the Convention envisaged refugees’ flight and search for protection in a bordered world, and survey contemporary state practice interpreting and applying this provision.

Venue: Rättegångssalen (the Court Room) 2nd Floor, Berlingska Tryckeriet at the Faculty of Law, Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 3C, Lund

Date:February 16

Time: 15:00 – 16:30

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