Protecting Freedom of Expression in New Media – Mission Impossible?

Dr. Mart SusiDr. Mart Susi is an Associate Professor of Human Rights Law at Tallinn University. He will be visiting the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law on 19 May to deliver a presentation titled: “Protecting freedom of expression in new media – mission impossible?”.

The presentation will address the possible change of paradigm in the recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the protection of freedom of expression in new media context. There are several new challenges to the legal and media communities due to the specific nature of online media – information published is likely to stay accessible forever. Human rights scholars have raised concerns about the absence of clear standards which the new media enterprises should follow when balancing the right to privacy against the freedom of speech.

Susi asks whether the standards are different from the ones usually applied towards “traditional” media. In addition, he’ll address:

  • What about the rights and responsibilities of the emerging phenomenon of citizen journalism?
  • Is there convergence in the jurisprudence of the European regional courts (the ECtHR and the CJEU)?
  • What are some of the best practices in the Nordic/Baltic countries – both from the judicial perspective and from the daily approach of the online news portals?

Date: 19 May

Time: 12:00-14:00

Location: Rättegångssalen, Juridicum (Tryckeriet), Lilla gråbrödersgatan 4, Lund

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