RWI – 2015 İnsan Hakları Araştırmaları Hibe Programı Türkçe açıklama için tıklayınız
The main goal of the RWI-Human Rights Research Grant is to enhance the human rights law education and to support human rights research capacity at the academic institutions in Turkey.
Total amount of the grant is 75.000 TL and each eligible research proposal may receive a maximum of 15.000 TL.
Deadline for submission of the research proposal is 16 March 2015 by 24.00.
Research proposals must be relevant to contemporary human rights issues in Turkey. The planned duration of the research study should be maximum of six months and submission date of the completed research should not exceed 30 November 2015.
For more detailed information, please read terms of condition for entry requirements and download application formsin Turkish ;
Applicant Information Form (Turkish)
Research Application Form (Turkish)