Researchers from Belarus visits the Institute

As part of the Institute’s ongoing cooperation with universities in Belarus, the institute is offering researchers from Belarus the possibility to conduct research on human rights at the institute. A larger number of applications have been received for this year. Following the visit of Ms. Elizaveta Navoschik, who visited the Institute during the month of January, Ms. Alla Zybailo, Associate Professor at the Belarus State University and Ms. Larissa Lukina, Senior Lecturer at Belarusian State University, have been approved to conduct human rights research at the Institute during the month of March. Ms. Zybailo will be conducting research on Reservations to human rights treaties, in particular the problem of Incompatibility of reservations with the object and purpose of a human rights treaty, and Ms. Lukina will be researching the Cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with the Council of Europe: Implementation of international standards of the Council of Europe in the sphere of human rights protection in national legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

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