Three reasons to come to Lund

Women’s rights and women’s access to justice are among the topics of the research carried out in Lund by Aishath Fasoha, she says and explains that to target the judiciary is the challenge for the newly established Human Rights Commission.


Nguyen Thi Hong Yen, Aishatha Fasoha and Champathong Phochanthilath at the office in Lund

–In Lund at the Institute I this autumn got help by Dr Miriam Estrada to develop training modules for judges with curriculum development, to make our training more relevant for them.

In Laos Champathong Phochanthilath is a scholar at the Faculty of Social Sciences and recognizes that human rights isn´t only a legal issue.

–I spent my time in Lund developing a research proposal concerning women´s right to intellectual property and the cultural industry.

Her research will touch upon the fact that patterns of handicraft products of Laotian women are  used by mass producing manufacturers in China, and sold cheaply to tourists.

–The patterns have been developed throughout the centuries by Laotian women, and should be attributed them financially, she says. The question is how? The market that is opening up fast in Laos is moving quicker than the legal framework.

In Laos she is working on women´s and children´s rights and is developing human rights courses for NPO.s (Laotian NGO´s).

From neighboring Vietnam comes Nguyen Thi Hong Yen, lecturer in international law. She came to Lund to get help and feedback from people at the Institute on a textbook on human rights.

–I want all the competent people here in Lund to read it, so I can improve it! It is an important contribution to human rights in Vietnam.

All the three women are curious to see more of Sweden and Europe when they are here. They went to Stockholm, and Fasoha from the Maldives dreams about one day seeing Paris.

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